Over60Holidays.com Terms & Conditions

Please read these booking conditions carefully, as they apply to all bookings accepted by Over 60 Holidays (hereafter known as “O60H”, “we”, “our” or “us”). 

Contract: You confirm your understanding and acceptance of the conditions and the contract by making a booking request. If you make a booking on behalf of any other person, you represent to us that you have their authority to make the booking on their behalf and to legally bind them to the terms of the contract, including these conditions. Each reference to “you”, “your”, “guest” or “passenger” means the person who makes the booking and each other person covered by the booking. The booking conditions can only be varied by an offer of O60H in writing. 

Agency: We act as agent for Travel at 60, the principal operator of Travel at 60 Community holidays. Your contract for Travel at 60 Community holidays will be with Travel at 60. Any reference to “we”, “our” or “us” means O60H as agent for Travel at 60, unless it is clear from the context that the reference is to O60H directly. As agent for Travel at 60, we are authorized to accept bookings on the below conditions. Note that O60H’s liability to you as booking agent is limited in accordance with these booking conditions. If something goes wrong with the supply of your travel arrangements, then any claim you may have will be (and must only be made) against Travel at 60. Travel at 60’s liability to you is also limited in accordance with these booking conditions as principal operator. 

How to Book: Please contact your travel agent or submit, enquiry from the holiday listing or email:  [email protected]. You must ensure names used to make a booking are exactly as appear in passports. Any name/initial or spelling changes made after booking confirmation may result in supplier-imposed fees or you being unable to travel. A booking is accepted when O60H issues a written booking confirmation. It is at this point that a contract between O60H and you comes into effect on these conditions. We reserve the right to refuse any booking prior to us issuing a booking confirmation. If we do not accept your booking, we will refund any payments you have made, but we will have no further liability to you. 

Prices: All rates are specified in Australian dollars and are subject to change without notice. The expression “from” with respect to price means the lowest price for the travel product we believe is available based on costs and exchange rates as at November 2023. 

Price Variations: Itineraries and prices are accurate at the time of listing. Once a passenger has received a booking confirmation and has paid in full, the price of the tour is guaranteed, subject to any tax changes or levies imposed by any government, their agencies or any airline or if minimum numbers are not achieved. O60H reserves the right to make alterations to itineraries and prices for any reason prior to booking. 

Taxes, Charges & Currency Fluctuation: All government taxes and charges imposed by suppliers beyond the control of O60H (including ticketing fees and airline fuel surcharges) are payable by you and are subject to change. Prices are also subject to surcharge due to negative currency fluctuations prior to you making payment in full. If there are any increases in such taxes, charges, or any currency fluctuation (prior to you making payment in full), which increases the price of your booking, we reserve the right to change the price you must pay by including the additional charges or amount at any time prior to the date of your departure. 

Exclusions: The price does not include airfares (unless otherwise stated), passport and visa fees, insurance, laundry, phone calls, beverages, meals not detailed in the itinerary and items of a personal nature, excess baggage, expenses, fees or costs incurred in case of illness, or of refusal of entry to, detention in, or expulsion or repatriation from a country or part of a country. We are not liable for any expense, costs or loss incurred in relation to such matters and you release us from all liability, damages or responsibility in relation to them. 

Credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted and attract a merchant fee payable by the customer.

Deposits: A non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place on each tour within 7 days of booking. The deposit varies due to supplier deposit variations and overall total value of the booking.  The non-refundable deposit will be communicated at time of booking or listed in the online listing.  For tours that include domestic flights or permits, payment in full for these services is required at time of booking and flight tickets are fully non-refundable due to airline terms and conditions. Some hotels may require pre-payment in peak seasons. You will be advised of this at time of booking. For bookings under the value of $800 per person, full payment is required to secure your place. 

Final payment: Final payment is due no later than 90 days prior to the departure date of your first tour unless otherwise specified (some airfares or services must be paid in full at time of booking). Non-payment of final payment by due date may result in a cancellation of your holiday and therefore loss of non-refundable deposit. We are under no obligation to remind you when payments are due. 

Cancellations by you: All cancellations must be received in writing and cancellations are subject to cancellation fees, which you acknowledge are reasonable to protect the legitimate business interests of O60H. 

Supplier cancellation fees: Cancelled bookings may also incur supplier fees, which can be up to 100% of the cost of the booking, regardless of whether travel has commenced. Supplier fees may also apply where a booking is changed and when tickets or documents are re-issued.  Please note, some suppliers have non-refundable, non-changeable policies.

Where we incur any liability for a supplier cancellation fee for any booking which you change (including name changes) or cancel, you agree to indemnify us for the amount of that fee. Where you seek a refund for a cancelled booking for which payment has been made to the supplier, we will not provide a refund to you until we receive the funds from that supplier.

Over60holidays cancellation fees:

Further to the above-mentioned non-refundable deposits and airfare and supplier cancellation fees, Over60holidays cancellation fees are additional as follows:

Cancelled bookings incur the following fees in addition to supplier fees:

Outside 120 days – full refund (subject to above supplier change and cancellation fees)

31-119 days – $100 per person (subject to above supplier change and cancellation fees)

Inside 30 days – $200 per person (subject to above supplier change and cancellation fees)

Travel Insurance is recommended in the case of unforeseen circumstances to cover cancellation costs.


Names changes: Any change or substitution of a nominated passenger’s name after the final payment has been made may be deemed a cancellation, and the applicable cancellation fee will apply.

Cancellations after departure date: The departure date is the date indicated on the O60H booking confirmation. If a nominated passenger does not join the tour on the departure date the cancellation fee will be 100% of the total booking cost. If a nominated passenger withdraws from the tour after commencement for reasons of illness, the passenger will not be entitled to any refund for unused services. We recommend the passenger obtains a medical certificate in support of any insurance claim which can be submitted independently via the passengers’ travel insurance provider. O60H makes no representations or guarantees concerning reimbursement of funds paid by a nominated passenger or paid by a representative of a nominated passenger under any insurance claim. 

Cancellations by us - Force Majeure: If the tour cannot proceed due to flood, earthquake, war or civil strife, acts of terrorism, hurricane, cyclone, industrial disturbance, strike, fire, lock out, epidemic, pandemic, failure or delays of scheduled transportation facilities, or other Acts of God, or any law, order, decree, rule or regulation of any government authority, or for any reason whether of a similar or dissimilar nature beyond the control of O60H (Force Majeure), our contract with you will terminate and there will be no claim for damages by either party against the other, provided that we will refund you any payments made by you that we have not expended (or legally committed to expend) minus an administrative fee of $200 per person. If we provide you with any alternative services or assistance where a tour is cancelled because of force majeure, then you agree the amount to be refunded to you will be reduced by the value of these services and assistance. 

Cancellations by us - operational reasons: If we cancel a tour for reasons beyond Force Majeure, then we will refund you all amounts paid at the time of cancellation. O60H will not be responsible for any other travel arrangements affected by, or any additional costs incurred as a result of our cancellation. 

Itinerary variations: Every effort will be made to adhere to the published holiday itinerary. Occasionally, circumstances beyond our control will force changes, amendments or modifications to the itinerary and its inclusions. To the fullest extent permitted by law, O60H will not be responsible for any omissions or modifications to the itinerary or the inclusions made as a consequence of these circumstances. If you are entitled to any compensation at law for any changes or modifications in these circumstances, then you agree that any compensation you are entitled to will be reduced by the value of any alternative services we provide to you which you accept. 

Minimum numbers: Unless noted as a ‘Guaranteed Departure’, tours are based on a minimum number of passengers travelling. In the unlikely event of a reduction in the numbers of passengers travelling to below the minimum passenger numbers, O60H reserves the right to pass on these increases in costs to passengers. This may occur with or without warning to the passengers. In the unlikely event that a tour fails to attract the minimum passenger numbers, the tour may be cancelled at the discretion of O60H. If a tour is cancelled, monies already paid by passengers will be refunded or credited towards future travel at the election of the passenger. O60H will not be responsible for any other travel arrangements affected by, or any additional costs incurred as a result of our cancellation. 

Refunds: To the extent permitted by law, no refund is available for cancellations after travel has commenced or in respect of any tours, accommodation, meals or any other services not utilised. This includes where we have excluded you from the tour as permitted under these booking conditions. 

Special requests: Any special meal requirements will be on a request basis only. O60H cannot guarantee special meal requests nor will it assume any responsibility or liability if special meal requests are not able to be fulfilled. 

Travel documents for Community holidays: Travel documents for any Community holiday will be sent to you electronically approximately 10-14 days prior to departure (providing full payment and all required information has been received). 

Maps and photographs: Maps are shown for general information and do not necessarily reflect actual routings, locations or services provided. Photographs may show places in the general area visited, but not necessarily included in the tour. Many of the images on our website are supplied courtesy of hotels, tour operators and online image libraries. Pictures used may not reflect the exact room, décor, view or other specifications. 

Travel insurance: It may be a condition of travel on select holidays that each passenger is adequately covered by an appropriate travel insurance policy. It is always strongly recommended that all participants have up to date travel insurance after booking a holiday. Please also check the contingencies of your prospective insurance cover and ensure you are aware of its conditions and omissions. We strongly advise travel insurance is purchased at time of booking to provide full cover. We suggest you provide us with the insurance company name, policy number and emergency contact number relating to such a policy within 14 days of final payment being made. 

Medical Information: We rely on the information provided in your booking form and as updated as necessary. You warrant that the information you provide is accurate and there are no other medical issues that may impact your ability to participate in the tour without the need for special assistance. We reserve the right to exclude you from a tour if we are of the opinion that you require special assistance for a condition not previously fully disclosed. If your circumstances change following completion of your booking form, then you must notify us as soon as reasonably possible, and in any circumstance prior to travel. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if your changed circumstances mean you will require special assistance from our personnel during the tour. We suggest that your travel insurance (which you are obliged to have in place under these Booking Conditions) includes comprehensive cancellation coverage. We will not be liable for any damage, injury, death or loss of any kind arising from your failure to disclose relevant medical information. O60H does not employ medical personnel. Any necessary medical attention will be provided by a local facility at the passenger’s expense. O60H is not responsible or liable for any losses or costs incurred as a result of medical services obtained while on tour, or for the quality of the care or services received. 

Health requirements: All passengers are required to familiarise themselves with any health requirements specific to countries being visited. If in doubt, please consult a medical practitioner. 

Refusal of carriage: We may exclude you from the tour at our discretion if you fail to comply with our (or any of our supplier’s) reasonable instructions, or if we (or our supplier) acting reasonably consider that you are interfering with the other travellers’ enjoyment of the tour or if your continued presence may endanger the health or safety of other passengers, or if you require special assistance due to an existing medical condition or disability not previously fully disclosed to us. If we exclude you from the tour, then you will not be entitled to any refund for any remaining portion of the tour and you will be responsible for all costs associated with your onward travel. 

Baggage: On all tours, passengers are limited to one standard size suitcase and one piece of hand luggage per person. Porterage is not included for tours. All baggage and personal effects are at all times and in all circumstances the responsibility of the passenger. Baggage insurance is recommended. Please check with your airline for applicable baggage allowances. 

Single travel: Single Supplements represent a fee passed on to us by hotels and/or operators for sole use of a room and/or any other services included in the tour. 

Travelling with Minors: We are unable to carry children under the age of 8 years on any group tours. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult. 

Pre-departure contact: You must provide a telephone number and email address where you can be reached, if necessary, within 24 hours prior to your departure and whilst travelling. 

Air travel: Air travel is subject to the conditions and limitations set out in the airline’s conditions of carriage. Airfares are subject to change at any time. 

Liability - Where we are the principal operator: Where we are the principal operator of your travel arrangements, we will provide the agreed travel arrangements to you with reasonable skill and care. This means that, subject to these conditions, we will accept responsibility if your contracted travel arrangements are not provided as promised or prove deficient as a result of the failure of ourselves, our employees, agents or suppliers to use reasonable skill and care in making or providing your travel arrangements. We will only be responsible for our employees in the course of their employment, and for our agents and suppliers if they were carrying out the work we had asked them to do. We will not be responsible if the loss, damage, claim or expense was caused by the acts or omissions of yourself, of any other third party not connected with the provision of your travel arrangements, or due to an event of Force Majeure. Please note that if the services which gave rise to the claim complied with local laws and regulations, the services will be deemed to have been properly performed, even if this would not be considered the case in Australia or your country of residence. In the event that any loss, death, injury or illness is caused by the negligent acts or omissions of O60H our employees, agents or suppliers of any services which form part of the booking contract then O60H limits its liability, to the fullest extent possible and where applicable by all applicable international conventions. 

Liability – where we are the agent for the principal operator: Where we sell you travel arrangements as agent for the principal operator of the travel arrangements, you agree that our responsibility to you is limited to arranging for you to contract with the principal operator for the supply of those travel arrangements. You agree that you will be subject to the principal operator’s booking conditions, and that any claim in connection with the supply (or failure to supply) of the travel arrangements must be made directly against the principal operator. O60H will in no way be responsible for the actions or failures of the principal operator or any person engaged by the principal operator. You warrant that you will not bring a claim against O60H in this regard. You agree to indemnify O60H against any loss or expense incurred by us due to any claim being brought against O60H in breach of this warranty.

General liability limitations: Australian Consumer Law and corresponding legislation in other jurisdictions in certain circumstances imply mandatory conditions and warranties into consumer contracts (“Consumer Warranties”). These conditions do not exclude or limit the application of the Consumer Warranties. Other than the Consumer Warranties, O60H disclaims all warranties. To the extent permitted by law, the maximum liability of O60H to you under these conditions, in tort (including negligence) or at law is limited to arranging for the travel arrangements to be resupplied or payment of the cost of having the travel arrangements resupplied. 

Destination advice: You are responsible for all immigration, passport (which is valid for at least six months from your return date), visa, health, quarantine and customs laws, regulations, orders, demands or other requirements of countries visited or transited. You should check the requirements of those countries with their embassies or consulates or other authorities. Any information provided by us is given in good faith and may not be relied upon as being accurate and does not constitute formal advice. O60H does not take responsibility if you rely upon this information and fail to obtain your own independent advice. Official travel advice issued by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is available by calling (in Australia) 1300 555 135 or visiting their website www.dfat.gov.au. We recommend that you review this information both prior to making your booking and prior to departure. We strongly recommend that you also register your upcoming travel plans via the www.smarttraveller.gov.au site 

Complaints procedure: Should you have a complaint while on tour, you should inform your tour guide or driver immediately. If the matter cannot be resolved after the tour guide’s best endeavours to do so during the tour, we recommend you call your agent (if booked via an agent) or your complaint can be submitted in writing to O60H within 30 days of your holiday concluding. O60H cannot be held responsible for issues that were not brought to our attention during the course of a tour. 

Images & Recordings: When on tour, we may from time to time take photographs or make recordings of you and tour activities that may identify you. We reserve the right to use any photographs and/or recordings for promotional reasons. In using such images, you consent to the use of such images or recordings by us and you acknowledge that you will not be entitled to payment or other compensation for the giving this consent. 

General Provisions Privacy: You consent to our, our agents and related entities collecting, retaining, using and disclosing your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website. Your booking of any travel product constitutes your representation to us that you have read our Privacy Policy and accept its application to you. 

Law and Jurisdiction: This agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia. 

Severability: If any provision of these Booking Conditions is found to be unenforceable, then to the extent possible it will be severed from these conditions without affecting the remaining provisions. O60H is a division of Travel at 60 Pty Ltd. ABN 42 615 812 121. ATAS Accreditation A15648.